Work with me!


90-min Breakthrough Session


*New clients must book a 90-min breakthrough session to start their journey

*If you’re a returning client, email me for coaching rates at hello(at)aprilhoon dot co


You know you want change but not sure where or how to start. My 90-min Breakthrough session will support you right away in creating immediate change in your life.

During the call, we will:

  • Get clear on what’s holding you back

  • Address your blocks with compassion

  • Clear out any stuck energy that’s ready to be looked at

  • Take small steps towards self-acceptance and embracing all of you, even the parts you struggle to love

  • Create at least ONE actionable step towards your transformation

  • Receive practical tools and mindset strategies to support your journey

What else:

  • You’ll receive ONE week of additional support via text + audio messaging over Whatsapp/Telegram to help you stay accountable and grounded with integration and implementing new mindset strategies

  • You’ll receive the recording of your session for playback and deeper integration

The Framework

Inside of my 1:1 coaching offer, I will take you through my signature framework, where we will use these 3 pillars to support you in deepening your relationship with yourself and walk away with actionable steps to create the change you want to see in your life!

  • This is where we get CLEAR on what is getting in the way of you making a change in your life.

    Without being aware, it’s harder to make change. Awareness IS the key to any transformation.

    Often times, we get caught up with the mindset spiral that we’re unaware of what is truly holding us back from living a life of truth and freedom.

    Once you develop the awareness, you get to rewrite old narratives that are no longer serving you.

  • Most coaching methodologies attempt to create change by moving straight from awareness to change on behavorial level. This is missing one of the most powerful steps - Acceptance.

    Instead of trying to push your way to change, or judging where we are, we accept and allow change to happen, to execute our goals more powerfully externally. This is how our internal and external ALIGN.

    Once we become aware of what’s getting in our way of change, we move into self-acceptance.

    This is where we honor all parts of us, including the parts we struggle to love so that those parts feel acknowledged, seen, heard and understood.

    Self-acceptance will support you in embracing your wholeness without guilt or shame.

  • It’s called ALIGNED action rather than just action because when we do the work of acceptance, we naturally move from a place of alignment.

    This is where we co-create at least ONE actionable step for you towards creating the change you want to see in your life.

    You will walk away with practical tools and steps you can start implementing in your life immediately!

    You GET to make this part of your journey fun and grounded.

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I’m a Mastery Method™ Coach with 8+ years of career coaching experience. I spent 12 months training under Alyssa Nobriga, with the Institute for Coaching Mastery. I’m devoting my time to guide soulful women who are committed to unbecome who they thought they are not. (Hint: “Not worthy”, “Not successful”, “Not capable”) I’m passionate about guiding women to create a life and business they love, while honoring and living their truths. My coaching experiences are a balance of mindset and soul work, because one without the other is counterproductive.

If you are looking to activate deep transformational work within yourself, and have the courage to let the experience shape + sharpen you, I am the coach for you.

Hire me if you:

  • You want to learn practical tools and methods to navigate through life in a sustainable way

  • You desire feeling seen, heard and understood by a trained coach

  • You want to discover who you really are on a soul level and level up to live out your soul purpose

  • You are ready to stop chasing after life and magnetically attract your heartfelt desires

  • You want to value yourself and well being more 

  • You are looking for a safe space to be open and accountable during our time together

  • You are committed to facilitate your transformation through daily practice


Client Love

“April, you've given me a safe space to be vulnerable, to trust that I will not be judged, to guide me through everything when I don't have the words for it. You are my translator to feelings and thoughts that I've never known how to express.”



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Let’s stay connected, I’d love to send you love notes.

Intuitively, of course.